Download this mountain bike vector in:
- SVG format
- EPS format
- High resolution PNG image (with transparent background)
Also, some people contacted me about using the drawing I used to illustrate the tutorial on how to design cycling jerseys. Someone wanted to use it for his mountain bike shop logo, another athlete wanted to have it for a poster announcing a mountain biking event, etc. The funny thing about it is that since so many people downloaded it and used it - it may no longer appear original.
So, my advice to you, if you want to use these drawings for your non-commercial projects, is to do some extra work and edit them in Inskape (the .SVG files). This way you make sure what you get is original and it's not something you can find all over the internet...
You can actively support Highball Blog by buying mountain bike shirts or by sharing these posts with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. A write up on your blog would be highly appreciated as well. This way, you help me continue to post the tutorials, the T shirt drawings and the outdoor gear giveaways.
Thank you for reading this! I appreciate your time spent on this blog!
Download this MTB shirt design in:
- SVG format
- EPS format
- High resolution PNG image (with transparent background)
Get this mountain bike T shirt design in:
- SVG format
- High resolution PNG image (with transparent background)
Download this MTB drawing in:
- SVG format
- High resolution PNG image (with transparent background)
Wear your helmet and protect your bike from thieves!
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Please use your personal name and NOT your business name to comment. Enjoy the blog, the T-shirt designs and thanks for joining the conversation!