Nikwax is a company the offers numerous products for cleaning, conditioning and waterproofing your outdoor gear (including leather, wool, and down). Two of their products that I had the opportunity to test out was Nikwax Tech Wash and Nikwax Tent Gear SolarProof.
Tech Wash is designed to safely clean water repellant gear while bringing water repellency back into older used gear (runs about $5-$10).
Tent and Solarproof is spray-on water proofing for all weatherproof textiles such as tents, rucksacks, and camera bags (runs about $6-$15).
After receiving the product, I decided that I would test the Tech Wash on a raincoat that wasn’t shedding the water as it should. I also used the Nikwax Tent and Solar Proof on a rucksack that I often use backpacking and while in the military and have always wanted to be water repellent.
After applying Nikwax
- Techwash effectively cleaned both raincoat and ruck
- Tent and Gear SolarProof both worked as waterproofing and is said to double the life of my ruck due to UV protection
- Both products very easy to apply and use
- Environmentally friendly company
- Online web quiz for free samples of other products
- Needed an entire bottle of Tent & Gear SolarProof for one ruck
- Techwash restored water repellency but not 100%
The main product for restoring waterproofing is Nikwax TX. Direct. The result: water doesn't wet the fabric and the water droplets flow away from the the material.
After using the products I have decided that definitely would be buying more of their products in the future. The Techwash thoroughly cleaned both my raincoat and my ruck. It also improved the water repellency of the fabric however it was not as drastic as I was hoping (but there still was a noticeable difference).
The Tent & Gear SolarProof was easy to apply and I concluded that the product worked well where it was properly applied. On the downside, I had to use the whole bottle on the ruck and afterwards I noticed spots that I had missed using the spray bottle and in these areas water could be observed soaking in. In my opinion, this was more of a mistake on my part and something that would be avoided next time.
Overall, I like the product that Nikwax produces and will be using more in the future to waterproof more bags and maintain and extend the life of my gear. ($15 to double the life of a ruck is enough to make the product worth it for me.)
Where to buy Nikwax products:
Some more info about Nikwax:
As a company, Nikwax strives to be environmentally conscious; so by making their products water based and without aerosols or propellants the company does their part to reduce global warming and ozone depletion.
Nikwax also has a unique promotion tool called the Nikwax Webquiz, to spread knowledge about their company and environmental concerns.
Every three months, customers are allowed to play the 5 question online quiz that is based on the company and environment. If you answer all the questions correctly, then you receive a free sample of a Nikwax product. Pretty cool in my opinion.
About the author: John Kirby is a Recon Marine veteran, college student majoring in Environmental Science, and a fitness enthusiast from Seattle, WA. He's a Highball Blog community member and got the product from Nikwax as a sponsorship. |
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After posting the review, I discovered that Nikwax Techwash is supposed to clean and revitalize wet weather gear. However, the main product they have for bring water proofing back is Nikwax TX-Direct. After applying this product, the wet out that occurred to my raincoat was much better than just applying Techwash and I have no complaints.
ReplyDeleteCool. Thanks for the update John!