How To Edit MTS Videos

Edit MTS Video Files

If you bought a new camera that shoots in AVCD format and can't view or edit the .MTS, files here are two pieces of software that you can use:


1. Use VLC Player to view MTS videos

VLC is a versatile player that will play most video formats.

Bike Stunts - Harman Extreme Fest (MTS and MP4 files)

Depending on how powerful your computer is, the playback of full HD footage may be choppy even with VLC. When I play my 1080p @50 fps clips, I get short previews and then the screen becomes blank. That's coz I don't have enough RAM and not enough memory on my graphics card.

So instead of actually previewing the clips with VLC you can...

2. Edit MTS files with Magix Edit Pro Plus

Sony HX9V Shoots in AVCHD

I use Magix to edit all my nature or extreme sports videos that I shoot either with a GoPro HD or with the small Sony HX9V (which outputs in AVCHD .MTS) - see embedded clips.

The nice thing about previewing your footage in Magix is that it has a function which lets you playback the video at a lower resolution. So you don't need too many hardware resources, even if your video has a high bitrate and resolution.

You get a smooth preview and decide what to cut out and what to leave in your final edit.

MTS Editing with Magix Edit Pro Plus

For more about video editing, check out the other tutorials on the blog.

MTB Shirts

Cliff Jumping in Bulgaria (MTS footage taken with Sony HX9V)

Be safe!

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