Multi Pitch Adventure Climbing in Malaiesti Tower (Bucegi Mountains)

"Castoru" (nickname for Dan Borcea) is a well known veteran climber and mountaineer who's always up for sporty challenges. For this weekend, 22-23 Aug, he invited me to Malaiesti Tower in order to check out the routes, which were first climbed some 30-40 years ago.

Being a rather remote climbing area, comparing it to Costila area, the routes haven't been maintained in terms of renewing the old pitons and dropping the loose rocks on the wall. For this reason, it is advisable for climbers to carry additional protection as friends/cams, nuts and extra pitons.

On our first day we climbed the central route (RO: "Traseul tavanelor din peretele central"), leading below and over the fairly visible overhangs in the middle of the wall and ending in a small window at the West side top of the tower.
On the second day, we engaged into the gully/canyon on the East side of the tower, being accompanied by Castoru's colleagues from PRO TV Brasov. The video footage is to be materialized into a short TV show called "Vremea distractiei" (EN: "Leisure time"), that will be aired on PRO TV Brasov.

We didn't take bulky (but proper) cameras on the wall so all our pictures were taken with phone camera - sorry for the questionable quality!

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  1. Foare tare ne-am bucurat noi, colegii Castorului, sa descoperim blogul tau. Remarcabila activitate, remarcabila engleza! Sa ne vedem cat mai curand in munte, vorbind aceeasi limba a aventurii!


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