Everything about building a hangboard + training plans now in my guide:
How To Build Your Own DIY Climbing Hangboard without Drilling The Wall Above Your Doorway
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The fingerboard (hangboard) is one of those things that as a climber you may wanna have in your home. And the reason why you should either build your own hangoard or buy one from the mountain shop is that it's going to be one of the strongest incentives that will lead you to take your climbing training more seriously.
If you don't have the time or the tools to build your DIY hangboard, have a look on Amazon for a selection of affordable climbing fingerboards. Click any of the pictures below.
I honestly see it as a motivational tool that will ultimately make you wanna climb more.
With this baby mounted above your doorway you can:
- Work on your weaknesses without the discomfort you may experience when working out in a gym (some people don't like to expose themselves in public as being weak - that's understandable)
- Plan your weekly training more effectively
- Train at leisure - it's easier to find one hour to dedicate to your rock climbing workouts during weekdays than it is to find two or three hours for going out to the crags or to your local indoor wall
- Gradually gain finger and forearm strength that will later translate into enhanced confidence and power while ascending on rock faces
- Hanging Hangboard - No Holes In The Walls - Video
- Climbing Fingerboard - Video Tutorial
- Climbing Fingerboard - 3 Basic Traing Tips - Video
- How To Build Your Own Fingerboard
- Why a Home Made Fingerboard is Better than a Resin Commercial Hangboard
- Why You Need To Have a Printed Training Sequence for Your Fingerboard Workout
- How To Install a Fingerboard for Your Climbing Training
- How To Get Stronger on Crimpers (Small Edges)
- Forearm and Finger Strength in Ten Minutes Training Sessions
- Hangboard Training - Five Minutes Cycles on Crimpers, Slopers and Two Finger Pockets
Go climbing!
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