Mammut, the outdoor gear manufacturer, comes at you with a wicked opportunity for their 150th anniversary:
Get a chance to be part of the Ultimate Testevent and climb one of 150 mountain peaks in the world!
What you need to do
Become a fan of Mammut's Facebook Page (hit the Like button) or subscribe to Mammut Basecamp and find out more about The Biggest Peak Project in History. Spread the word about this as you'll need as many friends as possible from your social networks.
See you on top!
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Mammut stuff is awesome, my climbing backpack is one of theirs. Unfortunately I haven't climbed in years.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mammut gear is pretty popular here in Europe. I think by climbing they mean mountaineering (or heavy trekking), not necessarily rock climbing.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to climb Lotus Flower in Alaska. :-)
Hi Constantin
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your post about our 150 years anniversary and the bigges peak project in history- We'd like to see you in the Mammut mountains.
You're welcome, Dominik!